"Honey, you need to speed up to get onto the freeway.
"How am I supposed to know if there are cars coming? I can't see anything!"
"Take a look. There aren't any cars in your way."
"I can't look, I need to stay on the road!"
"You'll be fine."
"Dad, I did it!. That was my first time merging onto a freeway!"
"Dad, there's a car up ahead, what do I do?"
"You're going faster than he is so you'll have to pass him."
"I can't pass him, that's too scary!"
"Just get in the left lane and go by him. When you're past, get back in the right lane."
"Dad, I forgot to SMOG!"
"Signal, Mirror, Over the shoulder, Go. I changed lanes and didn't SMOG!"
"It's ok, you'll remember next time."
"Dad, I did it! That was my first time passing!"
"Honey, when you come up to a group of cars and trucks like that one ahead, you should cancel the cruise control."
"I know, dad, it's called a wolf pack. I'm supposed to avoid them."
"Dad, there's a truck up ahead going slow. What do I do?!"
"Move to the left lane and pass him."
"But then I'll be in his blind spot! What if he doesn't see me and he crashes into us!"
"You'll be fine. This kind of thing happens all day long."
"OMG I did it! That was my first time in a truck's blind spot! We're still alive!"
"I know, it's a miracle."